Subwoofer rumble issue

I’m having a hard time solving a problem that seems to come and go. My subwoofer will rumble uncontrollably when playing records at a higher volume. If I turn the volume down sharply it goes away but when I creep the volume back up it comes back. I’ve tried isolating my turntable as much as possible with diy books, isolation feet, etc. (I don’t want to buy an expensive isolation platform unless that really is the issue.) Any thoughts on what I can do to fix this? Thx!

Showing 2 responses by stereo5

I had the same problem with my 3 VPI tables (I no longer have them).  I tried everything under the sun and spent lots of cash on maple platforms, granite, special feet, Target shelf bolted to wall, nothing worked.  The KAB rumble filter which goes in either a tape loop or between pre and power amp solved the problem  It cost 179.00.  It uses all audiophile grade parts inside and there is no loss of bass or any frequency's.  I have had many different people over the house who could not hear a difference as I didn't either.

Everyone will tell you it is a band aid approach but it works and totally solves the problem.  My new Technics SL1200G does not have that problem, not sure why.