Subwoofer Recommendations

I am looking for a single subwoofer that will compliment my JBL L100 Classic speakers.  This is my office system and I only want 1 subwoofer (no swarm) to add a little oomph below 50hz.  I will be using it with my McIntosh MA6600 on the second set of variable line outs.  The sub has to accept line in, have a phase control, level control  and adjustable crossover so I can cross it over under 80hz or so.  I will be still running my JBL speakers full range.  Price is up to $1500.00 new or used although keeping it at around a grand would be great.  This is the only way I will hook up the sub and I would like something that does go deep.  I know there are probably hundreds of subwoofer threads but I have never looked at them.  This is just something I came up with today so any help would be appreciated.

Showing 2 responses by soix

I think you’re making a mistake going with only one sub with your budget as two subs yields much better bass integration and performance.  For $1500 you can get two SVS SB2000 Pros that go down to 19Hz and include integration electronics, or you can cheap out and get a pair of SB1000s for $950 that’ll still get you down to 24Hz.  Even if you start with one, if I was you I’d eventually get a second.  BTW, SVS offers an extremely generous risk-free trial period that includes shipping, so if two subs aren’t a significant improvement you can always just return one.  Anyway, that’s what I’d do FWIW.  Best of luck. 
How did you decide between the sealed vs ported sub on the SB2000?
The main reason was you were only looking for one sub so thought space may be a consideration and two SBs are a lot smaller than two PBs while still getting you under 20Hz (-3dB).  The other is I tend to prefer using a sealed sub for music, but I understand properly-designed ported subs can work as well.  Last, I own an SB2000 I use for HT and it alone can shake my living room when required so two PB2000s seems almost like overkill for music purposes.  So that’s where I was coming from with my recommendation.