Subwoofer RCA Interconnect recommendation

I will be connecting my REL S812 subs using the low level RCA inputs on the sub.  Do you have any suggestions for an RCA interconnect to use in this setup?  


Showing 2 responses by louisl

sls883: : I am using a Sublime crossover, so I am only sending 80Hz and above to my power amp.  So I am coming directly out of my second set of outputs from my preamp.

Also, I haven't really considered what I plan on spending. If something is inexpensive, I don't care (and would be happy), as long as it sounds good.  If something is expensive, that's ok too, if it also sounds better than the good less expensive cable.

Eichlierera: yes, on another post, someone else also recommended Bluejeans Sub Cable.  That's two for Bluejeans.