Subwoofer insight.

This is new territory to me. Current speakers are 2 way with frequency response of 60Hz-20KHz with +/- 2dB.  Sensitivity rated as 86dB. Chance to purchase a pair of REL 7 tis. I feel like I am missing something but will have to buy the subs to try out. My basic question is this. Does this purchase sound wise? I know what I am willing to spend but do you think I will notice an appreciable improvement.  I know that no one can listen through my ears but this is my first time doing this. Source is 75 watt integrated tube amp, McIntosh MA-2275. Thoughts appreciated. I am leaning towards going forward with the deal but would appreciate some feedback. Room is large and open, 28X38 feet with 9 foot ceilings. Thanks for any feedback.

Showing 14 responses by rwwear

The REL's just aren't real subs IMO. They don't even go down to 20hz. I have a friend with a pair of the REL Carbons. Even he acknowledges they don't perform like mine. I personally own Velodyne DD15s and I love them but would go for the SVS 16's if I needed a replacement. But you are right about personal preference Ric.
Listen to My Compensation by Laurie Anderson and you will change your mind.
No. I haven't heard them in my system but I've heard them in systems I'm well aware of. Setup is the key to making a sub work without thumping. The REL subs are decent but overpriced for less in many educated opinions.
Okay. I have 30 years in the business of selling and installing systems and tuning them for many satisfied customers. I never intended to insult you Ric. I'm sure your system sounds good. I just know the RELs are twice the money of the SVS subs while getting less. If a sub can produce high quality bass below 20hz it has a much better chance of producing high quality 40hz bass.
Of course the RELs sound more detailed because they are producing less music that would otherwise compete with the higher bass frequencies. The less bass a speaker produces the more detailed they seem. By saying you will never play anything with bass around 20hz you are writing off a lot of great classical, rock, electronic and modern pop such as Dutoit's Planets to the likes of Billie Eilish, King Crimson, Pink Floyd and many others. And as I said earlier, a sub that can reproduce below 20hz can do a much better job of reproducing 40hz.without strain. No decent sub will thump if set up correctly.
You have a point Sounder. Just pointing out cheaper and better options.
Chaz, it’s not fake news. Try listening to a simple acoustic recording then a complicated classical piece and see which seems more detailed.
Tweak, any quality sub can be integrated into a system if setup correctly.
Chaz, - 6 @19hz is getting closer. Now if REL can just go a little lower for less $. The RELs are pretty though.
MiniDSP could be employed to integrate the subs if one wanted to get more involved than a simple setup.
Speakon connectors are just old timey high level speaker connections like we used in the old days when receivers didn’t have sub outs. Maybe it’s great but seems archaic. Most subs still have high level connections for older receivers I suppose.

I would still run my mains full range. The less electronics the mains go through, the better they will sound.
Speakon connectors are just speaker connectors. No different. Almost all subs have them.
The Speakon connectors on REL subs may be superb but they are still just old timey high level speaker jacks underneath the pomp and circumstance.