Subwoofer for music, how low?

I am looking for a pair of subs for music. I plan on having four if the two can blend with my speakers.

I have the Tekton Double Impact and tomorrow I will get a set of Buchardt S400Mk2.

I have been looking at the REL T/9x but the only go down to 27Hz at -3db. Should a sub not go down to 20Hz?

I live in Denmark so I have fewer options. I really like the swarm sub array but to costly to get it to Denmark.

I am looking for recommendations. It could be DIY or a specific sub.

I am open for suggestions


Merry Christmas



Showing 2 responses by m-db

Is it aiming to low if I buy for SVS SB1000? There are on sale. Or I could pay some more and buy the new SVS SB 1000 PRO


I believe SVS offers a trial period and a great deal more control options.

The T/9x’s manufacture rating is actually -6db @ 27Hz. Like the many who’ve never experienced a high performance subwoofer that plays equally well with both music and film, have high praise for their products. Every REL sub I’ve auditioned in my home has never come close the manufacturers frequency specifications on their own. They call them "Sub Bass" speakers, or they used to. Good luck with it.

A subwoofer that meets all your criteria has a new home in Germany. Audio Reference purchased California based Velodyne Acoustics. Now marketing some new models and assembling a world wide sales and service network.

While it may be more than you’ve considered for your budget The Velodyne Digital Drive Plus can serve as an incomparable master control for less expensive slave subs in an array. The Plus has the ability to control a daisy chained system of units regardless of their inputs. The Plus offers one of, if not the most uniquely easy to use and remotely controlled, subwoofer dedicated Room Optimization / Equalization programs.

After Auto EQ has completed, on pages 10 and 11 of the DD Plus Interface Manual describes how to use the Frequency Response and Parameters Screen. This is a simple drag and drop control of multiple parameters that are visually and audibly made at the listening position to closely match or augment your main speakers basic presentation from 200Hz on down.

Compare the flexibility the rear panel offers to other subwoofer panels in the User’s Manual below

I assembled a four sub asymmetrical array in my largest 26’x 35’ room and they did eliminate ALL the rooms modes. I later settled on two asymmetrically located slaved Plus’ which allowed a noticeable mode in an unused corner of the room. The room loading and intensity has been easily maintained with just two subs ever since. Point being you may not require as many subs as you may think you do. What ever you decide on take it slow but keep it low.

FWIW, ["Virtually no music is down in the 20-40 Hz range"]?

Whether my Bass playing skills would be deemed musical is certainly subjective. Depending on my tuning and without the OctaBass on my Lakland’s stainless low B rings significantly at 31Hz which most 10" subs can easily output. Those B and E strings are bread and butter for a Bassist.