Subwoofer connection conundrum

Need some help, as I'm in over my head. I've got a new NAD C 298 power amp -- a gift from my wife! -- that uses the Purifi Eigentakt class-D amplifier module, or a modified version thereof. As I understand it, and that's not so far at all, I should not hook up a subwoofer using the speaker-level outputs because of something in the design of the circuit. (Or something.)

I'm wanting to get a pair of subs that I'd place inside my speakers -- KEF LS50s -- and had been thinking of a pair of SVS SB-1000s, as they are about the right size and price. I was planning to use the SVS wireless adaptor, until I learned about latency. So, finally, to my question:

My preamp, a Wyred 4 Sound STP-SE, is connected to the NAD with a run of balanced interconnects. (The amp is between the speakers, with the rest of the equipment on a side wall.) Am I assuming correctly that I'd need to run balanced to the subs, too? If so, can anyone recommend a pair of modestly priced, modestly sized subs with XLR inputs? (The W4S has another set of balanced outs, so that's not a problem.)

Finally, could I run single-ended from the pre to the subs, or would that be a problem because I'm running balanced to the power amp? I understand that there'd be the possibility of noise, but I'm not certain if there's some other reason why it would not be wise to run balanced to the power amp and single-ended to the subs. If that would be OK, it would obviously open up many, many more possibilities for subs, as my searching so far has found few with XLR inputs that aren't giants.

Thanks very much for any help you good folk can provide on this.

-- Howard

Showing 2 responses by mike_in_nc

+1 to everything from @millercarbon on this question.
  • Speaker-level input is an unnecessary complication.
  • Unbalanced runs typically are fine for a sub.
  • With subs, positioning is critical. Asymmetry will help give smoother response.

You already answered your own question. It is fine to use a single-ended connection, as several of us have said. (IMO: Speaker-level inputs on subs are a gimmick.)

Finally, could I run single-ended from the pre to the subs, or would that be a problem because I'm running balanced to the power amp? I understand that there'd be the possibility of noise, but I'm not certain if there's some other reason why it would not be wise to run balanced to the power amp and single-ended to the subs. If that would be OK, it would obviously open up many, many more possibilities for subs, as my searching so far has found few with XLR inputs that aren't giants.