Subs with room correction DSP?

I'm in the market for a sub or two, but this time I want a system that will take a microphone reading of the room and give me a correct setting for the sub. 
I've seen these in the past but can't remember who was making them,


Showing 2 responses by m-db

There’s the Velodyne Acoustics DD Plus. It requires a subwoofer crawl to identify room locations. Connections to either a TV or a laptop to monitor adjustments. It’s supplied with a calibrated mic positioned at the listening position and connected to the sub. A Sweep Tone CD thats played as the Auto EQ runs a twenty minute sweep of the room, main speakers and the sub/s between 200-15Hz all at the same time. The Plus Auto EQ adjusts the subwoofers thirteen parameters within eight discrete frequency bands which reflect the mains presentation onto the sub beginning at 100Hz to 20Hz. The process is graphically monitored on the TV or laptop and saved to memory.

At this point the six manufacturer presets have also been auto EQ’d and have been saved to memory.

After completion the user can choose to open the Frequency Response and Parameters Screen (page 10-11 User Interface Manual) and augment the the Auto EQ by making multiple simultaneous adjustments using the drag and drop feature. As well as manual adjustments of all the individual parameters and save to an individual memory preset.

In my experience with an early JL F113 v1 and an early DD-18 were well over a decade old and their processing dramatically different. Despite those differences, I believe their unique in house driver technology and build quality were on par with each other. The F113 driven by the EQ settings of the DD was simply phenomenal.

IMO todays home audio enthusiast still struggle with trial and error room positioning as result of manufactures erroneous location suggestions. They’re stifled by deficient and complicated low frequency signal processing and integration measures some requiring dealer assistance. Having experienced the potential and ease of implementation that David Hall and his developers succeeded in, anybody would agree all these subwoofer mysteries were elegantly and affordably solved over a decade ago.

Soon after Velodyne’s DD Plus barely marketed release it seems brighter avenues of technology altered the goals of one of the biggest little subwoofer manufactures and leaving home audio with undefined DSP marketing, line arrays and chrome plated -6dB sub-bass speaker six packs doing the low frequency rope-a-dope.

@macg19 No subwoofer crawl or gimmicky software with "special" mics required.

If you’re using a -6dB sub-bass speaker/s they roll off around 40Hz and simply do not output enough subsonic frequency to excite most rooms standing waves. I’m guessing your using one or two satisfactorily right next to your main speakers which are typically located in the rooms null?

Actual subwoofers output a far lower frequency which can excite a rooms standing waves. The subwoofer crawl IS exactly the gimmick that easily demonstrates the reverse locations of most, if not all, the rooms standing waves for subwoofer positioning in relation to the listening position.

A four sub distributed bass array can eliminate a rooms standing waves all together making the crawl moot. Either method does not require a purpose built room.


The ability to process and compensate poorly recorded bass or to simply to kick out the jams with punched up deep bass is really fun audio nonsense. Your happy, we’re happy. Don’t forget the sunscreen.