Subs for SF Amati

I’m looking for recommendations on subs to pair with Sonus Faber Amati Traditions paired with Mc monoblocks. I currently have a pair of REL T9x, but they are not going deep enough and I do not think they can keep up with the Amati. I’m considering a single REL No. 31 (a pair would be great but not in the cards right now). Thoughts? 


Showing 1 response by garebear this some thought and as a previous owner of the Sonus Faber Amati Traditions, instead of adding two subs why not look into moving up to the the new Amati's G5's ? It might be money better spent and I have '' heard '' that there is a nice improvement in the bass on the G5's. Full disclosure and my opinion for what it is worth, unless you use your system for movies , TV I have never been a big fan of subs but rather looked at taking the money spent on subs and buying a more '' full range '' speaker. You should have no problem selling those Amati's. Enjoy ......