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This popped up on my phone this AM...

Now, since this has been an 'off 'n on' topic of late, Mikes' MHO vid pretty much encapsulates the general ennui expressed over B&M shops fading away, the high and rising cost of 'our level of quality equipment', and all the reasons and rationales for the SOTA becoming 'out of reach' for all except the most dedicated 'philes.

And Yes, a run-on sentence that isn't my usual terse twaddle.

So be it; lets' have fun with this, please.

If extinction is to be our lot, we can afford to be noisy about it. ;)

Rant 'n rave, dear friends.



Showing 1 response by sokogear

I guess it's a good history lesson for newcomers. I thought you could get an entry level integrated amp with a streamer and a pair of speakers and decent speaker cables for a couple grand (or maybe less). Am I wrong? Most people think that is exhorbitant.

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