Sub-woofer connection question

Hi all,

I have a Music-Hall a15.3 integrated amp and a JL Audio 8" "Dominion" powered sub-woofer.

The sub-woofer has speaker-level inputs (R & L, + & -) but also has line-level RCA inputs.

The amp has an RCA out as well as (of course) speaker-level out.

So I can connect the RCA out of the amp into the RCA in of the sub-woofer, but I can also piggy-back off the amp’s speaker connections to the sub-woofer’s speaker-level inputs.

I am not sure which method is better. I called Music-Hall and the guy (maybe it was Roy Hall but I am not sure) told me "I don’t like sub-woofers... just do what ever the sub-woofer manufacturer says".

But the JL Audio manual does not specify one method over the other.

I am new to sub-woofers, so I was hoping maybe somebody on the forum might be able to help.

Thanks in advance,

Eric Zwicky
Richmond VA


Showing 1 response by noromance

Why not try both ways and see what sounds best to you? If there is an RCA out as you state, I'd go with that.