Sub advice needed

Greetings All, 

I am looking for suggestions on a subwoofer (brand/size).

Line Magnetic (SET) 805ia amplifier
Mytek Brooklyn+ DAC
Bluesound Node streaming Tidal and FLAC ripped from CD's
Rega Planar 6 TT
Tannoy XT8F speakers

Music taste: 70-90's rock, prog rock, vocals

The room is rectangular at 16 feet long and 15 feet wide. No room treatments.

NOTE: Amplifier does not have a sub out. 
Budget is $1-3k. 

My concerns are: 
1. timing issues with adding another speaker affecting imaging/soundstage etc. 
2. Remote volume control on the sub since different songs may need different amount of sub?

I can place the sub in any area of the room. 
I also read on this forum somewhere about the pros and cons of connecting subwoofer to speaker outputs, but can't seem to find the thread, nor do I recall it ending with an answer if it can potentially cause amplifier problems or not. 

Tips and good advice are welcome. 


Showing 1 response by m-db

big_greg, can the Ultra be used as a master controller to output its DSP processed and preset signals to slave non DSP subs?
Are you able to simultaneously connect your two channel and your HT to the Ultra with the caveat of using the two channel or the HT one at a time?

If I'm not mistaken the JL Audio F and G series subwoofers can master control their more economical E series and possibly other powered subs with an XLR input. 

dbphd, in my room when I replaced a more than ample single Velodyne DD-18 with two DD-12 Plus' I gained an across the board presentation improvement. I attribute to a second sub reducing the rooms modes along with newer design amplification and certainly their far more advanced Plus Room Optimization and equalization. 

Crossover integration is the subwoofer industries unaddressed secret. Once you've heard it done properly you'll immediately realize that a single crossover point telling the sub to begin outputting is stunningly inferior to multi-band parametric filter frequency, level, and variable Q adjustability.