Stylus cleaner

Does anyone have a home made recipie for a safe but effective stylus cleaner?

Showing 1 response by drrsutliff

Magic Eraser is what you want. You lower the stylus into the foam. The strands of melamine that make up the foam matrix surround the diamond and gently scrape off residue as you lift the cartridge straight up from the foam. Very effective. Never scrape the stylus only dip into the foam from above. It is the verticle motion that cleans and is safe. Dragging the stylus across the foam could allow for the very strong strands to remove the diamond. Only straight up and down. Under my microscope the diamond is cleaner than I ever was able to do with fluids. I do use a brush after the ME dip since the foam does break down a little over time and from multiple "dips" and any residual powder does not need to be scrubbing my albums. One box of original ME (no soaps or additives) could last you a lifetime. Do not get it wet. Water collapses the foam matrix and it is no longer effective for our purposes.