Stylus cleaner

Which have you found to be very effective...?
Magic Eraser! Read the old thread with comments/photos from dougdeacon for proof of how well it works. Cheers,
My best investment was in a 60x magnifier, got one for less than $10 on eBay and this lets me see the dirt on the stylus. With a quick dip in the Oznow after every session (or hour or so of play) and a go with the Audio Technica ultrasonic moistened by Last #4 stylus cleaner once every couple of months. Main thing is to be gentle and don't let the dirt build up
First and most records cleaned w/combo of DIY, Audio Intel. fluids & steam + KAB EV-1 vacuum. A pain!

Afterward, a couple of dips of stylus into a little square cut from Mr Clean Magic Eraser...
Followed by a careful brushing with carbon fiber stylus brush...
Then a couple of dips into an Onzow Zerodust (no dry brushing after).

Occasionally, all the above followed by careful brushing with (Last or Mobile Fidelity?) Stylus Cleaner.

Check with magnifier and good light.

Prefer to minimize physical brushing as much as possible due to risk of damage to cantilever.

Slaw: none yet!
I'll be trying the 'Dust Buster' by Vinyl Passion but I haven't heard of the ones mentioned...
How good is the Onzow & Flux?
First you must have Cardas LP with frequency sweeps that ultrasonically clean the cartridge stylus and degauss the entire system.  Second is Onzow Zerodust stylus cleaner (no liquid). 
Funny, I just researched this yesterday on these forums and beyond.  I needed a solution other than dry brushing, so after the research, which included talking to the people at Music Direct, reading a Michael Fremmer review, and reading some threads here, I ordered a Flux HiFi Sonic Electronic Stylus Cleaner, just last night.