Stylus / Cart Life ????

In theory guys, if a cart is well taken care off, cleaned, etc... how long does one need to replace it ?

I know the diamond in the stylus wears out, but has anyone actually worn out the cart ? Or are the carts changed due to upgradetitis before its time is up ?

How many here have used their carts to say 3-5 years and still no need of replacement due to wearing out of the stylus ?

I heard from a friend, granting all holds up, that it should last a lifetime ?

comments ? replies ? fire away!!

Showing 1 response by hdm

Do a search at Audioasylum in the Vinyl Asylum. Depends on the stylus profile. You're looking at anywhere from 500-800 hours on a conical/spherical to 3,000-4,000 hours for the more exotic stylus profiles such as the Fritz Geiger. Also will depend (makes sense) on your "vinyl hygiene" (don't you just love that expression?). There are also suspension issues to consider beyond stylus life; the suspension may give way before the stylus does. A lifetime? Possibly, but highly unlikely, unless you're never using it.