Stupid Mistake

I have been doing a demo with Merrill Audio Element 116's. Excellent amps on several levels. After around a week I went back to my Classe' CA M600s. They were off for about 7 days, the longest they have been off for aprox. 4 years. I played 5 tracks with the 116's and then hooked up the Classe's and played the same 5 tracks. The Classe' sounded lifeless! Also take into consideration Class D and Class AB. I was stunned. I hooked the 116's back up.
Well it finally dawned on me last night! The amps were stone cold! No wonder they sounded lifeless! Been playing in the Audio world for a long time! And I make a bone headed blunder like that! Needless to say got up at 4:30am switched some things around and warmed up the Classe' Amps. Now my evaluation may be more accurate! Still shaking my head...

Showing 1 response by jakesnak

Well said Millercarbon! All these small to large nuances form an accumulative balance of sound within ones system. From my components, dedicated circuits, outlets, to cabling. All though  I did stop at the carbon Furutech cover plate! 
 The strange thing (and you picked up on it) Its very difficult for the brain to cultivate sound, especially  component to component! I listen to my system a lot!. Yet because I was so focused on the 116's (which are great amps) and my ears/brain became so in tune with the 116 amps I basically forgot what my Classe' sounded like!  Until I had my delayed brain storm and remembered I never warmed the amps up!  3 days later! It was almost as if my brain couldn't digest what happened!
  As far as the naysayers go, I don't pay much attention to them. I've come to the realization most don't know how to evaluate what they are hearing.
   I'm actually happy this occurred! It gives one pause to pay attention to what they are doing. Still disappointed in making such a basic blunder!