Stuck point!

I am returning to the experts to get an opinion. I sold my PS Audio M 700 mono blocks thinking I was ready to pull the trigger on the Wellsenton R800i. I know their are great similarities between some of the Line Magnetic amps. around the same price point of just under $3,000, almost identical except for tubes. So, their are options if I chose to go with another well known brand. Here are the issue/s..  I have a fairly small treated room and I keep hearing it will “heat the room up.” I don’t know if it will be problematic or an overstatement. Plus the issue of bass. It may not produce good base which is a problem since I loved the class D amps bass. Lastly, speaker sensitivity, most of my speakers have 87db and up except for the LS50’s. Thanks, don

Showing 2 responses by sebrof

Tube amps will heat up a small room pretty quickly. A fan will begin to move hot air around and won't provide much relief. I was in a 12' x 12' room for a few years and even a PP EL34 amp made the room hot after a short while. No way around it.
@sebrof, what would a recommendation be in Class D-A or A/B in around the $3,000 mark?

I don’t, I moved my tube amps into a bigger room :)

I actually ordered two of the Class D Mini GaN amps that twoleftears mentioned in the post directly above yours, but only out of curiosity, not because of heat issues (there’s a thread about how great they are and I couldn’t help myeslf)