Stuck point!

I am returning to the experts to get an opinion. I sold my PS Audio M 700 mono blocks thinking I was ready to pull the trigger on the Wellsenton R800i. I know their are great similarities between some of the Line Magnetic amps. around the same price point of just under $3,000, almost identical except for tubes. So, their are options if I chose to go with another well known brand. Here are the issue/s..  I have a fairly small treated room and I keep hearing it will “heat the room up.” I don’t know if it will be problematic or an overstatement. Plus the issue of bass. It may not produce good base which is a problem since I loved the class D amps bass. Lastly, speaker sensitivity, most of my speakers have 87db and up except for the LS50’s. Thanks, don

Showing 1 response by artemus_5

Pushing  87db speakers with a 23 watt Chinese single ended amp is a recipe for disaster. If you want good bass and the power to push inefficient speakers you should look at VTA (Bob Latino's) St 120. Its not an integrated like the Wlisenton. But IF you were running mono blocks you probably have a preamp. This will be a much better route than you are headed IMO. Plus you will have good service available too
As to bass, I've had the ST 70 and now the custom version of the 120 and have plenty of bass from both.