Stuck in a Rut

Over the past 30 odd years I have been mostly listening to Rock (Led Zep, Pink Floyd, Bowie and all of the other great British and American bands.
I have also been listening to Jazz (Davis, Brubeck, Chet)
and assorted other Jazz artists.
For classical I love Betthovan's 7th and Tchaikovsky final symphony as examples.
But I know that there other great albums not only in the Rock, Jazz and Symphonic categories but in international ones as well. I would appreciate any suggestions not only on Rock, Jazz or Classical but also on any other category which is not lite but great.


Showing 1 response by ben_campbell

Henry-before I make any music recommendations I would suggest you consider the purchase of the odd monthly music magazine such as Mojo or Uncut these would not only give you great retrospective articles on the classic bands but give you some feel for newer music and where it fits into your tastes....anywhere here's some music.

JEFF BUCKLEY-GRACE-a mix of Zep Eastern type rock,folk and even classical by the late great son of Tim,great voice nice recording.

RADIOHEAD-OK COMPUTER-Floyd type ideas meet rocking,chiming guitars and keyboards-heralded as the new classic of 90's rock.

NICK DRAKE-just about any compiliation or anyone of his 4 albums.
Deceptively deep singer/songwriter folkish but somehow unique,ignored during his lifetime but now regarded as something of a lost genius.

RYAN ADAMS-GOLD-arguably todays most prolific and eclectic talent-bluesy rockers,Van Morrisonesque soul rock,plaintive reflection,country ballads and Springsteenesque charm.
A great record

BECK-SEA CHANGE-lush strings and arrangements and acoustic guitars evoking the ghost of Nick Drake and dragging it into the new millenium.

There's tons of stuff out there....need any specific advice,mail me direct.

Have fun.