Stuck in a Rut

Over the past 30 odd years I have been mostly listening to Rock (Led Zep, Pink Floyd, Bowie and all of the other great British and American bands.
I have also been listening to Jazz (Davis, Brubeck, Chet)
and assorted other Jazz artists.
For classical I love Betthovan's 7th and Tchaikovsky final symphony as examples.
But I know that there other great albums not only in the Rock, Jazz and Symphonic categories but in international ones as well. I would appreciate any suggestions not only on Rock, Jazz or Classical but also on any other category which is not lite but great.


Showing 1 response by abex

I really dig Stan Ridgways solo stuff! Almost anything the guy does has been exceptional. I don't like all of his cuts of his cd's ,but there are always 4-5 songs I like. I have like 9 of his CD's and made a compilation which took up 2 full cd's.

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