Stuck at home? Make a speaker or something for goodness sake!

Yeah I know, it's something I say twice a year at least, but I say it because I think our community is made better with more builders than with just buyers.

Please, if you are stuck at home looking for ways to spend your money, or maybe want to interest the kids around you consider building a kit.  Speakers, amplifiers, cables.  Something to get your hands dirty and feel the pride of putting things together yourself. 



Showing 1 response by phusis

Using actively configured speakers with digital cross-overs and setting this up is my kind of “DIY,” and being that my pro cinema speakers are modular, i.e.: they can be used with different midrange/HF horns on top, it’s another variable to be experiemented with, which I have.
At some point filter settings “coagulate” into more or less fixed values, but being able to change them on the fly, and not least knowing their influence in detail, can accommodate many things, like when I replaced the horns to bigger ones, wanting more “oomph” in the bass watching movies (not that that’s needed in my case), sheer experimentation, etc. Good stuff.