Streaming: WiFi or wired??

Looking to get a new streamer for a system based on Kii Three. WiFi signal is good but I’m also told that wired is always better. Specific streamer advice also welcomed; (no need to rip CD's). Thx in advance for any/all advice!

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Anyone believing they're getting "better" or "clearer" SQ from wired vs wireless ethernet (or vice versa) has fallen into one of those confirmation bias traps we humans are prone to falling into.

Empirically and physically THERE IS NO DIFFERENCE in the final correct and intended data received by an ethernet network endpoint, whether wired or wireless. IT's IDENTICAL if the associated networks are performant. Read @cakyol's replies above then read up on tcp/ip, application protocols and the OSI network stack model.

ps: and all those snake-oil peddlers of "audiophile" network gear? Best-case is they don't understand ethernet network science, and are running their businesses for the usual reasons. Worst-case is they do understand ethernet network science - and are running their businesses for the usual reasons + engaging it with less-than-honest intent.