Streaming vs ripped music

So I have a Node 2 going into an RME dac and stream Amazon HD. Yesterday I ripped 5 or 6 of my faves that I stream from the CDs. Put this onto a thumb drive and into the back of the Node. I think this definitely sound better than streaming these same songs. Anyone tried this and what was your findings? 

Showing 5 responses by mofojo

Kinda fun I can do a back to back of the same songs streamed vs ripped. Biggest difference is the ripped songs sound a little bit more relaxed. Maybe this is because less jitter? Dunno. Certain sections of songs the cymbals appear to have better separation. Not a huge but tangible difference IMO. 
Hmm I will look into that. Price is not too bad. I also do not have direct plug into router. I have a google mesh thingy and plug the Ethernet cable from there into the node. Wondering if that’s not a good way to go? 
Kinda makes sense in my mind why the rip would be better.... I think. I mean 0s and 1s traveling through who knows how many miles (hundreds,thousands?)of noisy line vs a direct cd rip to a storage device. As I said noticeable especially in the highs and cymbals but not night and day. Sounds very good either way. Pretty sure the material I was playing only has one release. 

I do have a cheap ass router and cheap ass Ethernet cable as well so there’s that. 
Most of what I’ve read about Amazon HD has been pretty positive. Maybe I’ll give Qobuz a try with the 30 day trial and definitely look into the filter and better cable. Do any of you guys use a mesh network like the Google? Is that a bad idea? Otherwise I’m gonna have to do straight WiFi or a 40ft Ethernet cable I can try to snake under floor trim.