Streaming Quality Test - Lumin U1 vs. PS Audio Direcstream DAC vs Bridge II

I recently acquired a Lumin U1 Network Player (no internal DAC) and have it connected to a Directstream DAC via USB. I have A/B tested the U1 and the Direcstream DAC w/Bridge II by simultaneously streaming the same DSD file on the U1 and the Bridge II and used the Direcstream remote to switch inputs between the USB and Bridge II connections. Bottom line, my initial reaction is I don’t here a perceivable difference in sound.

Anybody else compare these two devices or are surprised by this initial test?

I really like the U1, but it doesn’t make financial sense to have it in my system I’m not getting a substantial increase in the quality of the sound.

Showing 2 responses by tomcy6

So what you are saying is that the Bridge II streams the bits to your Directstream Dac as well as the U1.  That's really not that surprising and means you should sell the U1.
Dave and Troy,

sfseay was listening to two different streamers through the same Dac, not different Dacs.