Streaming from Bluesound Node2i

I want to know if I can stream Tidal or Qobuz from the Node to my stand alone DAC and then to the rest of my system? I not interested in any other function. Or maybe there is a better solution for this? Thanks!

Showing 1 response by larry5729

You certainly can.

I purchased an external DAC with digital coax and lost the complete unfold of MQA.  I think people are crazy if they can't hear the difference when listening to MQA.  I listened to the Node 2i at the dealer and they added an external DAC.  They told me the sound difference was incredible.  They did 5 blind tests and I picked the Node 2i played by itself every time.  All the dealer was trying to do was to make more money.  Hooked up everything on my system. It sounded thin when I add the DAC.  So, I ended up selling the DAC and coax for half of what I paid for it through Audiogon.  I think I have learned my lesson.  If you blind test before you buy and trust you gut you will be better off.  The Node 2i sounds incredible by itself.  If other streams cost $3,000 or more sound better, how much better?  Dealers can be snake oils sales people so be ware.