Streaming DAC recommendation

Hello, I am researching about a streamer + DAC combo. My setup has 802 D3 McIntosh MC462 and C2600. I am looking to replace the C2600. I only listen to streaming or local files via Roon. No longer have a turn table, so I think the C2600 may not be the best pre-amp for this use case. I am considering Cambridge audio Edge NQ. I have not seen a lot of discussion around that product. I will be greatly thankful for recommendations, products similar to edge NQ. I want to keep the budget under 5K , used gear.
Thank you!


Showing 1 response by jeffreyw




There is a synergy between McIntosh components, and removing the C2600 may be detrimental. Also, as recommended by some members, the Bricasti and Meitner are fine components, and I doubt that the Cambridge will surpass their performance.

Lastly, I believe your C2600 has the DA1 DAC card? I have a C2700 with a DA2 module. An upgrade to the DA2 may be the cheapest way out, and then just add a killer streamer. If you want to outdo the DA2 module, you need about $5K on an outboard DAC. I have an outboard DAC that retails for 12X the cost of the DA2 module. It is better all around than the DA2, but I am gobsmacked as to how good trickle-down DAC technology has become and how much value the DA2 brings to the table.