
Hello Family,   I`m old school 76 I just don`t understand this streaming and dac business. I`m still stuck on my RTR`s, Cd player and  PASS lots of power.  It sounds very interesting.  I was once told that I could also do some serious taping using my RTR`s I`d would like someone to tell me what gear I would need and how to set it up forget my desk top or lap top.   I`ve heard terminology used like Innos zin mini, Bluesound Node, Aurender Are they streamers? what is Roon, Qobuz, Plex? whats the purpose of a dac? I`m on fixed income `what`s the best gear I can get for 1500 mostly buying used gear to began. Thanks


Showing 1 response by pinthrift

Hi. sheridanmartinj

You and I are peers of exact same age, and quite possibly, share the same digital Tech skills.  In the late 90's I concluded that chasing great sound in both vinyl and digital worlds was financially unsustainable.  I opted for the digital future and never looked back.  No regrets.  My musician son has a pleasing retro vinyl rig and I continue having great respect for high-end vinyl playback for those with the means.  

Find a skilled Audio Tech in setting you up to stream lossless music from your PC or laptop to an outboard DAC (digital to analog converter.)  This allows you to use the remainder of your current analog system.  With a reasonably modern computer, the cost is pretty much free for the required software.  Military discounts can also be found on streaming services for under $12.00 a month.

The richness of the music availability and quality of playback is...put simply...stunning!  Is the best vinyl playback possible better than digital streaming capability...maybe, but it's not my concern.  I'm a music lover first and foremost.  Digital did not strike my emotions UNTIL the late 90's, and it was game over as the technology advanced. 

Maybe you have a college or university nearby to find a Tech savvy student with music interests?  It IS intimidating, however, there ARE solutions, including ultra-convenient controls from a tablet or laptop from your sweetspot. 

A close friend / audio guy / musician is approaching age 80 and uses his iPad to stream from TIDAL.  He loves modern classical and modern jazz and raves about the quality, ease and access whenever we visit.  Best wishes!

More Peace!  Pin