Streamer upgrade recommendations

A recent DAC upgrade from a Schiit Modi Multibit to the Mojo Mystique v3 is having me consider an upgrade to my digital source.

I currently use a W4S modded Sonos Connect, streaming Deezer HIFI (16bit FLAC).  I'm committed to Deezer and pretty invested in Sonos - with Connects in two systems and a few Sonos speakers.  I'm not keen on the idea of adding a dedicated music server/player.  (keep it simple.  Roon doesn't support Deezer fully anyways, I don't have stored music files)

With the constraints above considered, it seems my choices are limited.   Here's what I'm considering:

  1. Bluesound Node 2i 
  2. Simaudio Moon Mind2
  3. Add SynchroMesh to Sonos Connect

I wonder if Node 2i would have better SQ than W4S Connect.

Moon Mind2 looks compelling - but zero reviews about it.

Would  Syncromesh SQ improvements be beyond a modded connect?

For options 1&2, I'd keep the Connect in the system for multi-room play as background music, parties, etc.

I know I should just demo all three, and will probably do so.  Was wondering if anyone has been in this situation or has recommendations.  Opinions welcome.   I wish the microrendu had deezer support...


System Details:

  • Kinki EX-M1 Integrated Amp
  • Bryston Mini-T speakers
  • Mojo Audio Mystique v3
  • W4S modded Sonos Connect
  • Signal Cable speaker cables and interconnects
  • Mojo Audio spdif cable
  • Pangea power cables


Showing 1 response by phidelt496

I recently went through a similar situation.  I tried a Bluesound Node 2i, Project Prebox S2 Digital, HifiBerry DAC+DSP, ALLO UsBridge, etc.

I use Spotify and Roon/Tidal for digital.  Have a mix of stored music and streaming, but nothing too far outside the mainstream or crazy quality files.

My system is fairly simple...Marantz PM8006 with Revel F36s.  This is all tied in as fronts in my surround setup, but for Stereo, the PM8006 is all I use.

What i ended up settling on will sound a bit odd, but the sound is incredible for what I listen to...but it probably wont fit anyone else...

I ended up finding the combo of Marantz ND8006 from an Allo USBridge.  It gives me the flexibility to switch from Roon to Spotify to CD, quite easily.  I would imagine that your existing Connect is worth trying as a digital input.  My only wish with this setup is that Marantz and included SACD on the ND8006.  But for a standard CD player, it sounds top notch for non-reference level gear.

I really wanted to love the bluesound works great but was just a little to "clean" sounding for me.  But a lot of people like that sound.  Its just not my taste.  But it does sound incredibly clear and clean.  

Project Prebox S2 Digital is an incredibly useful and clear sounding DAC.  Paired with iFi LPS, it really was a clean setup.  Really the weakness were the somewhat loose USB Micro power input.  Never got comfortable that wouldnt get knocked out on accident.  Also, The raspberry pi/Sparky stuff is still just a little finicky for me.  The USBridge with DietPi does seem really stable with Roon so thats how I use it exclusively.  Not sure if this would be better than your current Connect though.

The Marantz was basically a product I felt had too many compromises for its price.  So, I tried all the other solutions first and finally found a deal on a refurb ND8006.  I wish I had just bought it first.  Ill probably sell all the Bluesound and Project Dac.