Streamer / Tubes

Hi all,

I have been an average HiFi enthusiast for most of my adult life and have enjoyed the journey and listening to music of all genres. My last “serious” kit was; Rega, Abbingdon CD player, Melody 1688 pre, McIntosh 275 amp and B & W CM10 ser2 speakers. I decided recently that due to hearing loss and consideration of space that I would simplify my system and stream instead. I thought it may be of interest to others to know that I purchased a Cambridge Edge NQ streamer which I play through the Mac via balanced cabling into the CM10s. I use Qobuz streaming service. The result is very satisfying – as far as I can appreciate.

I live in a ground floor flat ( UK ) it has a screeded concrete plank floor above, with battened plasterboard ceiling in my flat, my upstairs neighbour has carpeted floors, he complains when I have even moderate volume levels of bass boom – any thoughts given the equipment I use how I could improve the issue ?

How loud do you listen in terms of decibel level? "Loud" and "medium" volume are meaninglessly subjective in terms of discussing the issue with your upstairs neighbor. You need to have a firm reference point.

If you don't have a sound level meter, get one. They aren't very expensive. You can even get an app for your phone, though I don't know how accurate they are, it is still better than nothing. Then you can determine at what level you start bothering your neighbor when playing bass heavy music. While it won't change the acoustics involved, at least you'll know where you set your volume to not bother others.
unfortunately, bass waves are exceptionally "long wave" and really penetrate walls, floors etc.  I would have the neighbor over for a music session and discussion over what would be acceptable to both of you. perhaps headphones when he's home and rock out when he leaves?? Good luck