Streamer/Server to replace Innuos Zenith

I am looking to replace my Innuos Zenith mkIII. After the long anticipated wait of a few years for their own software and it is still a mess for iOS users I have decided its time to move on. What do you all suggest for something like the Zenith but hopefully a step up in sound quality? I still have a Roon license so I am OK with using a Roon based product.
Thank you

Showing 2 responses by willgolf

I researched Music servers for a year on Audiogon and What's Best Forum before deciding on one.  I ended up purchasing a Lucas Audio LDMS out of the UK.  Lucas is a computer genius and his customer service is literally 24/7.  My DAC is a Lampizator Pacific.  The LMDS just elevated my system by a large margin.  

Let me give you an example of his service.  I sent him an email at 6;30pm Arizona time.  I got an email back saying can we What's Ap. It had to be 3 am in the UK.  He spent the next hour going through my system to make sure everything was working as it was supposed to.  I felt bad and kept telling him it could wait until his morning.  In the end, there was nothing wrong with his server; it was my router. 

The LMDS provided me more clarity, soundstage, and detail that I never knew I was missing.  If nothing else, send Lucas an email or look up his website.  You will never get this kind of service from Innuous or Taiko.  In fact, I would love to see a shootout between Taiko and LDMS.  Music servers range from $5k to whatever you want to spend.  I have 8TB of music on my server in addition to Tidal and Qobuz in a Roon ready application.

If you want simple and a DAC / Streamer then second on Lumin X-1.  I had one and it was outstanding and simple to use.