Streamer/Server to replace Innuos Zenith

I am looking to replace my Innuos Zenith mkIII. After the long anticipated wait of a few years for their own software and it is still a mess for iOS users I have decided its time to move on. What do you all suggest for something like the Zenith but hopefully a step up in sound quality? I still have a Roon license so I am OK with using a Roon based product.
Thank you

Showing 1 response by patrickdowns

I am happy with my Small Green Computer (SGC) Sonictransporter i5 and MicroRendu streamer. This bundle has the UltraRendu.
The Sonictransporter is like the Roon Nucleus+ (my other suggestion) for less money. I plug an external ripping drive in to rip CDs; the ripper doesn’t need to be built in. I have a 2TB internal SSD for storage.

The Wyred4Sound server is the other one I considered. Darko gave it a good review.

Both are ROON servers. I’m committed to Roon. Aurenders get good reviews, as so others, but they run their own apps (ie, Conductor, for Aurender) and they are not Roon.

The Wyred would probably go in your rack (and does have more connection options, like I2S), but the SonicT doesn’t need to. I have it placed near my modem/router across the room, and run an ethernet to my DAC, and the Rendu takes the ethernet signal and feeds it to the DAC,

Darko review of the previous gen Rendu: