Streamer/Server to replace Innuos Zenith

I am looking to replace my Innuos Zenith mkIII. After the long anticipated wait of a few years for their own software and it is still a mess for iOS users I have decided its time to move on. What do you all suggest for something like the Zenith but hopefully a step up in sound quality? I still have a Roon license so I am OK with using a Roon based product.
Thank you

Showing 5 responses by grannyring

I really do.  All is good.   The Roon interface is 100x better also. We already knew that. 
You can compare yourself going back and forth.  Use Roon in the Squeezelite experimental mode. 

Did you purchase another unit? Just curious what you decided on. 
Love my Innuos Zenith with the new Sense software. I have no issues and the sound is great. The new Roon 1.8 also sounds good on the Zenith. I find Roon 1.8 now sounds better than the previous version and really on par with Sense now. Two good options. Not sure why you are having so many issues? Strange how it works great for some and not for others. I did not use the Sense remote app however. I just went to “my Innuos” to run Sense.

Run DSP with no issues in the past. Love to better understand why the diverging realities?

The Evo432 sounds interesting. Expensive however.

I had both the Phoenix and Ideon top level reclocker with the Zenith 3, but in the end found they did not offer enough SQ improvement to keep them after purchasing my Mojo Audio Evo dac. The Mojo did not seem to need the external reclocker.
I did try a Roon Nucleus, Apple Mac mini, Nuc and the Zenith just walked all over them in terms of sound quality.  Now that is based on what sonic attributes are important to me. I value tone and a sense of ease to the music.  I am not a huge detail or dynamic impact freak. 
Honestly, it was not even close to my ears.  But, none of this matters if the Innuos is not working for you.  I have had no issues in my home, but you are and I would also be frustrated. 
I take care on building a noise free digital front end with Network Acoustic cables, filters, English Electric switches and several linear power supplies.  
I used to agree wholeheartedly with the above post regarding Sense 2.0 vs Roon. This is no longer true with Roon’s latest update.