Streamer/server newbie

Hello everyone, I never felt I would consider purchasing a streamer/server yet here I am and I blame talking to another audiophile after he asked ‘what’s new with your stereo’ and told me about his recent streamer purchase. From peeking at these units I’m interested in the Aurender’s, Lumin’s and maybe Naim.  I do not want an integrated DAC. My system; PBN mono amps, PBN preamp, PBN M2!5 speakers and a Bel Canto DAC 3.7 with Reference upgrade and most likely in near future upgrade to a Lampizator DAC. Budget to match the system so $5k more or less. I do not foresee me abandoning CD’s for an all digital download library however I’d like to be able to have the ability to download  music. Thanks for any and all suggestions.


Showing 2 responses by mahler123

You have a healthy budget but that doesn’t mean you are required to use it.  Since you aren’t that sure about streaming I would suggest go slow.  The largest determinant of sound is the DAC, and you have one that you like.  Transports matter, and the more that you spend, the better you get, but affordable streamers

such as Bluesound sound pretty good, especially with High Resolution material.

My suggestion is buy a less expensive but quality component.  If you later decide streaming isn’t for you, you won’t be looking at a $5K albatross on your equipment rack.  If you love streaming and down the road wish to upgrade, then spend more.

Streaming frequently isn’t plug and play like.CD player or even a turntable.  They are more like networking computers and subject to the same foibles.  For example, the software program is a huge part of the experience.  I had a Bryston streamer that sounded fantastic but was hugely frustrating due to a horrible software program.  I replaced it with a Cambridge Audio CXN 60 that cost 1/3 as much, sounds about 96% as good, and has an easily managed app.  It also has Chromecast and AirPlay so I can stream directly from a mobile device if I don’t want to play the files on my server

I am not a huge fan of Bluesound, but they are a traditional starting point for audiophiles getting into streaming, so I mentioned them.  It was my first streamer and I have moved on, but the app works pretty well and purely as a streamer it isn't bad.  One big advantage is that one can directly import numerous streaming services without resorting to Bluetooth or AirPlay or my favorite, Chromecast.

My favorite currently is Cambridge Audio CXN 60, and I own two of them.  The OP doesn't need the DAC, but it's decent and I use the DAC in my second system.  In my primary system the CXN 60 feeds a Bryston DAC3.  The CA particualrly does a great job implementing Chromecast, and I will frequently play high res files stored on my Android Phone that way, and it in no way sounds like a budget component.

And it is superb for Internet Radio and Podcasts.  The server is a Melco N100 NAS, which also can be used as a player, but since it lacks Chromecast and AirPlay and since I frequently switch between my phone with Apple Music and the files on the NAS it is just simpler to stay within the CA.

  At any rate, as a newbie streamer who doesnt need a DAC, I reiterate that the OP

imo is best served getting a quality but relatively inexpensive component and then upgrading if he/she wishes if streaming becomes a significant source for them