Streamer only

I am not tech savvy and I have a DAC already in my integrated amp.I just wanted to try streaming. I would like to use Qobuz and need to purchase a streamer. I don’t need the dac included within the unit. I hate to pay a large amount for a unit that has a high quality DAC included. Are there any high quality streamers where I am not paying for the higher quality DAC included in the unit? My system is a Levinson 585 and Acendo C8 R speakers. 

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Showing 1 response by curiousjim

Another vote to start with a BS Node 130 $499 new and use your dac. It was less than a year after I got mine, I bought a better USB cable and then I bought the Teddy Pardo LPS. The cable made a big difference and the linear power supply made an even bigger! I think this combination gave me at least 80+% of what a $6300 Aurender streamer gives me in sound quality.

All the best.