I’ve had good experiences with both Bluesound, the Node N130, and Innuos. The BluOs and Sense apps respectively are the best I’ve used streaming Qobuz. I had problems with the Eversolo A6 and A8 and a poor customer service experience. I tried Cambridge Audio but didn’t like the app. Tried Roon and it wasn’t for me. I like to control my music with one app on my iPad. The Innuos has better sound and it’s within your budget. That’s what I’d do with my 5K.
Streamer + DAC help: Bluesound vs Eversolo (vs Others)
All - my budget is uh, flexible. Up to $5K USD. I bought the hifi rose 150B but since it has way too many bugs, I am returning it.
What is your experience look like with Bluesound, Eversolo and other brands in a similar price point? I can’t audition so I am looking to see what others have to say (if possible, as compared to the hifi rose 150b).
(1) how is the hardware? (2) interface on the hardware? (3) app? (4) sound quality?
the rose 150b had GREAT SQ but the constant interruptions in playback was such a downer.
what other brands can i consider?
i am weary about spending $5K without demo-ing (it’s messed up, i know) but that is my budget. of course if there is a consensus about SQ at a lower price point, then i don’t even have to go to $5K.
I know, this sounds weird. But the experience with rose was traumatic. I don’t want to put any dealer through any kind of “troubleshoot with me” and “return it” ordeal again :(
thank you all in advance