Streamer apps critical

I don't understand why high end manufacturers release streamers with terrible apps. One of the strongest advantages of the Nodes is the BluOS app. It's simple and effective,  though not full-featured. I understand the Innuos app is great. Not all of us like much less want to pay the cost of ROON and the online apps, like USB audio Player are clunky. I would love to see a paid-for version of BluOS or other manufacturers license a common but customized app, much as early versions of Windows were available from Dell, Gateway, Compaq and so many others. 


Showing 2 responses by mahler123

The Cambridge Audio Stream Magic app generally works well.  Recently there was an update that screwed it up for about 2 weeks and I reverted back to their earlier app which wasn’t perfect but was at least functional.  Then a new update solved everything for Stream Magic 

Absolutely.  The app frequently defines the experience.  I used to have a Bryston BDP-3 but ditched it due to the terrible software web based program it relied upon