Streamer apps critical

I don't understand why high end manufacturers release streamers with terrible apps. One of the strongest advantages of the Nodes is the BluOS app. It's simple and effective,  though not full-featured. I understand the Innuos app is great. Not all of us like much less want to pay the cost of ROON and the online apps, like USB audio Player are clunky. I would love to see a paid-for version of BluOS or other manufacturers license a common but customized app, much as early versions of Windows were available from Dell, Gateway, Compaq and so many others. 


Showing 2 responses by antigrunge2

InnuOS Sense. Runs circles around any Roon setup in SQ without breaking a sweat. InnuOS also has Sean Jacobs power supplies, another best of kind.


There are two opposing philosophies on server software: Roon is heavy processing, CPU and I/O intensive, conversely providing ISP, extensive file maintenance and plug-ins. It needs powerful main chips, ideally separating server and renderer. InnuOS is the polar opposite: minimalist power usage, small capacity chips and no frills. In some ways this is similar to low power SET tubes vs. high power transistor amps. The sound is different and it depends a bit where you land on the purity vs. power trade-off.