Strangest Transformation in Break In.

This has to be the strangest transformation in sound quality involving break in that I have experienced in my long history in Audio,

I installed new analog interconnects (Wireworld Platinum 8) from my Lumin X1 Dac/Streamer to my Ayre Twenty preamp. These cables are made from pure 7N silver wire and are quite expensive. From the moment connected I was not impressed with the cables. The music was dull. I mean really dull and lifeless. The seller claimed these were new cables and needed a few days to break in. Tweek Geek: Michael, whom I have a lot of respect for said these cables take more like 300 hours for breakin. (I wish I had bought them from him). So, I started with non-stop music playing to accelerate breakin.

And, to complicate things further, 3 days after getting the interconnects I received 8 of the Critical Mass 1.0 footers. They were placed under my Lumin X1 and my Ayre Twenty Preamp. At this time things sounded a little bit better but I was still not impressed for all the money I just spent and all the on-line glowing reviews of these products. There was something dulling the music, especially in the treble region and also severely limiting dynamics. Could these interconnects be such a mis-match with my equipment? I actually started looking for replacements.

I then read a couple of on-line reviews by Positive Feedback in which they claimed that the Critical Mass Footers go through some horrendous sonic changes. I contacted the company that I bought them from and they said they only take a couple of days to settle. It’s a mechanical thing, ok. Mmmm.

So, what the heck is going on?

Well today, after 12 days since installing the footers, you know what? It was not the interconnects; it was the footers! Now, I’m sure the interconnects needed some time to break in, and I had the double whammy going on. But the footers created a wide variance from day one to today. I encourage anyone contemplating these footers investigate the reviews. Today, after 12 days the dulling went away and the sound blossomed and sounds great!

Could it be that I purchased the CM 1.0 version and used them with some light weight equipment and that prolonged the break in process? I dunno know. But I am truly amazed at the fact that footers can change the sound so much.

BTW, The Critical Mass footers replaced Stillpoints Ultra SS.



Showing 1 response by nonoise

My experience with footers showed me it's all a matter of placement. With my Isoacoustic Oreas, placing them directly in contact with the chassis resulted in very different outcomes depending on just where they were placed. Eventually, I found them to work best directly under my gears own footers.

Moving them around to different spots on the gears chassis resulted in  some really nice mid and bass effects but always at the expense of the highs.

As for silver ICs, I use Darwin ICs and they sounded wonderful right from the get go, with some improvements down the line. Not major, but there was some.

All the best,