Storage Device Recommendations

I am looking for recommendations on an external hard drive for my CD collection.  I have over 3,000 CDs and want to rip and store them in one place. I have been ripping CDs to external Western Digital HDs connected by USB to my windows PC where I am using iTunes as the software for organizing and playing music. My problem is that two WD HDs have failed in the last 18 months. Both of them glitched and failed when trying to back them up. I suspect that the volume of CDs ripped to those drives is taxing them somehow. The last one that failed was 2 TBs in size (and I believe the first one was 2 TBs as well).  Also, over the last 5+ years I have been purchasing some music in digital download form (from iTunes or other sources such as Bandcamp).

For all its faults I plan to continue using iTunes as the software to play music.  My home AV system is wired to use Apple and Sonos boxes. While it appears that many of the streamers offer better audiophile quality, I also like ripping CDs to a storage device attached to my computer (as opposed to a typical streamer device that is attached to my audio system). Most streamers also require a direct ethernet connection which is very difficult (or costly) for me given my set-up.

Any suggestions on a better storage device or an audiophile quality streamer that connects to a PC?

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Showing 2 responses by hshifi

I made a mistake above. The BlueSound Vault is $1299 which rips your CDs. The Powernode 2i is $899? Which does not rip CDs, but has a built in amplifier. Both are available at:
I saw something cool in my Hifi store It is the Sony server HAp-Z1es. This can rip your CDs and store them in one place. It also has DSD capabilities and balanced output. The app works awesome plus other devices like streamers can access the music from this Sony player. Also if you get an external hard drive you can go crazy with the amount. Another product is the BlueSound Vault. It is a streamer and cd ripper. The Sony is a higher grade of sound and storage. So here is a really good low cost $899 and mid cost option $1999. There are higher end ones but they are out of my budget fit now.