Stillpoints - snake oil?

Anybody here using Stillpoints Ultras? My dealer thinks highly of them, but I am very suspicious.

Showing 1 response by whart

I did a shoot-out of a number of different coupling and decoupling devices under the tube rectified power supply of my phono stage several years ago.  From cheap to expensive. Some I had on hand, some I bought.
Almost every one changed the sound to varying degrees. Whether that was beneficial or "better" depends on what you are trying to achieve. The Aurios (I forget which model, it was like an enclosed roller block) had the most profound effect, but caused a stridency to leading edges of notes that was intolerable. The Vibrapod puck plus cone was one of the better, cheap alternatives with little noticeable downside on my system. Some of the others included an old set of Goldmund cones, HRS pucks (plus plates), Herbie’s footers and the Stillpoints SS.
I am using the Stillpoints, which increased clarity without the negative (stridency) of the Aurios.
I do like the Stillpoints LP weight and use it in lieu of the factory screw down clamp on my Kuzma XL. It also made changes to the sound, but I concluded those were beneficial.
I think when you have a ’tweaked’ system and you are making further changes it is sometimes worthwhile to "un-do" or remove the tweaks to check what a "new" device is doing against a baseline~