Stillpoints and Wilson Maxx II or III speakers

I have read many great reviews of the Stillpoint products. The manufacturer told me that the greatest benefit of their products is when they are used under speakers. I would like to hear from anyone who has tried Stillpoint Ultra SS or Ultra 5s under Wilson Maxxes or Alexandrias. Considering the materials used and internal bracing of Wilson speakers, I am curious to know how effective the Stillpoint products are when placed under these speakers. I own Maxx IIs and they are currently placed on a suspended wood floor. Thanks.

Showing 1 response by jwmazur

I am also considering Stllpoints and just got through with a demo at the dealer 30 minutes ago. While I must say these are the real deal, they are pricey.

I asked the store rep the very same question you ask. His response was that the speakers should be last, but everyone has a different perception. The store owner left Wilson for Rockport. While these speakers represent the pinnacle of the designers efforts, the rep said he could hear improvement with the Stillpoints under the Rockports. But for the price of the larger Stillpoints needed for large speakers, you could buy Ultimate SS's for 3 components and bring more improvement that just using them under the speakers themselves.

What I heard on the demo as the Stillpoints were placed under each successive component was less of an electronic sound, better clarity, and ultimately a more relaxing sound that became more involving and soulful. He used the Stillpoint Ultimate SS for the demo.