Still Looking for a DAC - Audio Mirror Tubadour v and ANK Audio 5.1

So, folks, after returning the Lab12 DAC Reference due to its incompatibility with my CDP, I’m still looking for one. There are two devices that I’m interested in - Audio Mirror Tubadour V and ANK Audio 5.1 Signature or Professional 

If anyone is familiar with those please do share your thoughts.



Showing 17 responses by hasmarto

@soix , thanks. I’m now using friend’s Kimber D60, which sounds almost the same.

When you mentioned AZ MC2 cables, did you mean RCA or XLR connections? Interestingly enough they’re both 110 Ohm design, should I ask for 75? I didn’t buy it from the link you provided, because I can get a better deal.

Ok guys, after 4 days of non-stop playing, now it sounds normal. Basically one week of non-stop playing does the trick. I used only my solid state stuff with it to see what the DAC has to offer. So, it sounds good, balanced, not exactly tubes, no comparison with the earlier days. But I have a different problem now - it’s NO better than my Electrocompaniet EMC1-UP CDP, and the point of getting the AMT is fading. With all honesty I can say there’s no difference in sound. 

What do you think? Is it worth it or I should find something better, which as I understand now, would be quite expensive and difficult. I’ve been told before too that it’s gonna be a challenge to beat my CDP.


@soix , I’m using Italian AirTech cables, made of solid core OCC wire. They’re very smooth. It sounds now considerably more calm. I still have a week or so to play with it, and I keep my fingers crossed ;) BTW, my digital cable is Nordost Silver Shadow.

@falconquest , my Electrocompaniet ecm1up CDP won’t play CDs via Lab12. Experiencing signal dropout all the time, and nobody knows why. Other sources worked just fine.

So, folks, got the AMT V past Friday. Great service from Vlad.
Honestly, gotta say I was really disappointed, because it’s so bright that triggers my tinnitus. After 3 days of listening, now it’s more or less listenable. Vlad offered to try AMT IV, but I really don’t know what to do, I’ve never tried other AMT DACs. Plus the signal delay when changing the source is really long and annoying, but I assume many DACs have that. In any case, as of today, it sounds better than Lab12 Ref1, which I had a couple of months back, but the AMT is just much more detailed. Will keep you updated.

Well, folks, I’m keeping this baby. All it needed was a proper break-in time. IMO,10 days of being on (night and day) is enough for the initial impression.

As of now those excessive highs are gone, and even though it doesn’t sound exactly tubey as we probably anticipated, it sounds very musical, great mids and tight bass with both tube and solid state electronics. It definitely has more PRaT than the Lab12 DAC I had a few months ago, and the vocals are more natural, not kinda in-your-face.

All I can say it went through very interesting transformation during these days and I really love the results.

And I still don’t have a new cable, next week I’ll order the Acoustic Zen cable.

Also, Vlad told me to use AES input when listening to CDs.

I have to say if you’re looking for a new DAC, don’t underestimate this device. Honestly it’s very good, and visually appealing, plus there’s an expandable (if needed) return policy, so you have nothing to lose.

Anyway, this is it for now. I know my words mean nothing to many, but it’s an enjoyable piece. Good DAC doesn’t need to have 10 tubes and weigh 50 lbs.

Thanks to everyone for your input.

One more thing - there’s no tube-rolling here. In my case if there’s Chinese 6Z4 rectifier then I’ll replace it with Soviet-made equivalent. The other two tubes don’t have plug’n’play equivalents.


Hey, folks, I guess a little update is in order, I promise I’ll be short :)

The unit went through different stages of transformation, and when it finally settled down I couldn’t believe my ears - the sound was smooth, big and immensely enjoyable. Gone were those irritating frequencies, and it’s not that I got used to them, my tinnitus won’t let me. As of now, I can’t remove it from my system, it sounds so pure I can’t even describe it.

I also tried using it with all-silver cabling, and the result was great, no irritation of any kind, even my Nordost Silver Shadow sounds great.

In short it’s an extremely musical device, and highly recommended.

I sent Vlad WE 417a tubes, and he’s making adapters, I’m very curious about their capabilities.

So, this is all for now. Thanks to everyone for participating in this thread.



Oh, forgot to mention that the size was a big factor for getting it since I have very little space on my rack.


What an unbelievable device, I must say. Now I’m using it with the Western Electric JW 5842 tubes (mil version of 417A). I can’t say they’re much better that the stock ones, but the sound now is different - bigger and more tubey. I also replaced the stock 6z4 rectifier to Soviet-made 6C4P-EV, which is a plug’n’play replacement tube. It’s always fun to try different tubes. So far it’s easily one of my favorite components.

Feel completely happy now. Next step will be replacing the streamer. The BS Node is definitely not in the same league.


Guys, please stay on topic, I already bought whatever I wanted a half a year ago, and don’t need recommendations. If you have something to say about this particular DAC, then go ahead, otherwise as far as I’m concerned this thread is closed. Thank you. 

@soix, I ordered the AZ MC2 cable. Should be a good match with my other AZ stuff.

@pindac, post whatever you wish, it’s just irrelevant to this particular topic, since I’m long done with the DAC search. 

@roxy54, I deeply believe this is not the place to exercise freedom of speech, and having said that, I’m signing off before it gets out of control.

Peace to everyone!

After many months of listening to my device with Western Electric 5842 tubes, I switched back to the original Soviet-made 6S45 tubes. I found the 6S45s to be more precise, and the music became more focused.