I too made the same upgrade with my Thiel CS-3.6's many years ago. I was very pleased with the change over to the KMA-160's especially in the imaging department? Don't know how or why but the sound opened way up and the KMA-160's never ran out of gas. Bass control also stepped up a notch adding that last bit of detail to moving bass lines. They were much more quiet than the fan cooled models / I'm sorry I let these go!!!!
Stick with.. KMA-100'sMKII or go for KMA-160's ???
Hello guys, and girls, Iam looking very strong into trading out my Krell KMA-100MKII's Mono amps for a Pair of KMA-160's Does anyone know the trade off will be if any. Iam looking for more bottom end punch but still keeping the sweet sound of these older KMA-100's My speakers are watt hogs running at about 84db.@ 8ohm. Any input would be great
Thanks .. Happy Listening
Thanks .. Happy Listening
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