Steve Jobs we will miss you

My prayers are with Steve's family at this time. He was a great visionary and technology as we know it today is because of his visions. I'm glad he no longer suffers. May he fly with the angles and if he's there with God heaven is about to be upgraded!!!

Rest in Peace, Steve, and may God give peace to your family and loved ones.

Showing 4 responses by mapman

I'm not an Apple fan by any stretch but I still want to give credit where due.

Nobody's perfect and I really don't know all that much about Mr. Jobs, but his accomplishments are obvious so there is something to be learned there and respected whether I agree with everything he did or not.

There are others at his level in the technology industry that I might find myself more challenged to feel that way about.
"Jobs also wanted to get high tech into the hands of all humanity."

That would seem to be a major cornerstone of Apples business model and he clearly suceeded in this regard no doubt.

"This site is geared towards a clique ..."

Yes, but nothing wrong with a clique per se unless it blinds you to what goes on in the rest of the world. So I would object to the assertion that I should not recognize Job's accomplishments just because the ipod is such a success. I use one myself (well, my daughter's technically) with decent earbuds as a portable music source and it is the nicest gadget I have ever used just for that.

In general it is not a good idea I think to hold someone in poor regard just because they march to a different drummer. When your drummer is high end audio and high end audio alone, you are heading down a very lonely path relative to humanity I would say.
Its a free country (USA, so far for the most part at least).

People can speak their minds however there are always consequences to whatever one says in public, so you just have to accept that.

I am anti censorship in general. It helps to have some thick skin in general though. I think the USA could use some more of that sometimes these days. Its sad what happens to prominent people who merely speak the minds then their comments get taken out of context by the media and/or others jump to invalid conclusions.

PEople just need to be a little smarter sometimes!

Sorry, had to get that off my chest.

Hopefully, Steve Jobs would approve.