Stereophile review of the $30,000 tekton speakers

We have had many discussions/arguments over tekton speakers in the past, mainly involving a couple posters who thought their $4000 tektons sounded better than the highest price Wilson’s and other high budget speakers.

In the latest Stereophile magazine, they did a review of the $30,000 tekton’s. In this Steteophile issue, they rate these $30,000 tekton’s as class B. When you look at the other speakers that are in the class B section, you will notice most of these speakers range in price from $5000-$8000. So it looks like you have to spend $30,000 on a pair of tekton’s to equal a pair of $5000 Klipsch Forte IV’s sound quality. 
If I compare these $30,000 class B tekton’s, to some of the class A speakers, there are some class A speakers for 1/2 the price (Dutch & Dutch 8C, Goldenear triton reference), or other class A speakers that are cheaper (Magico A5, Kef blade 2).




Showing 11 responses by corelli


"Plus there were many posts by the tekton group on agon that claimed their tektons were better than the $1M Wilson’s"

Please, make a list of all the "MANY" Tekton owners who have made this claim. You can start by reviewing all the 5,680 posts on the Tekton DI thread.  That thread, unlike this one, was full of helpful advice from civil members who had a measure of respect for each other.

You and your flies are bent on tearing others down and spreading hate.  But hey, it's America.  

Cerwin vega........please.  You have absolutely no credibility.  

Gotta love these Tekton threads.  They all go the same way.  Starts out civil and then the flies all catch a whiff and gather.  Then disparaging remarks from members who have never heard the speaker but "know" it doesn't sound any good and even if it did they are so "ugly" I would never own them.

So helpful.

+1 for what??  Someone who can't count.  The Tekton critics really are a special group.  

@ 2psyop  Exactly.  There are a smaller number of "members" whose primary objective is to inflame and stir the pot.  

@thecarpathian  Appreciate your clarification.  But understand how that simple statement is taken by others to suggest there are a bunch of unhappy Tekton owners out there trying to dump their speakers.  That's not the case at all.


@audioman58 you sound a bit like a woman scorned.  Please call B&W, Magico, whoever, and ask them for details on components in their crossovers.  Good luck.  Then expect something in return for "redesigning" their crossovers. Oh brother. You forgot to add how ugly they are. 

Somehow, on this Good Friday, this discussion (along with others) all of a sudden seems like a  ridiculously trivial endeavor. Take a break.


Exactly.  I just posted the same thought in another thread (although went with $3-10k).  The Double Impacts are the speaker that put Tekton on the map.  I have said this before--the value on the end product is HUGE and maybe unsurpassed in the industry when you look at the cost of all the components, cabinet, etc.  And then have it delivered across the country for $3k.  Insane value.  All of this would mean nothing if the speaker didn't sound great.  It does and in so many ways.  And to those who want to double the cost of their speaker with a fine veneer--go for it!  As for me, I would rather spend my money on sonics, not eye candy.  

As for the Moab Be, I have never heard it.  Like anything in life, value diminishes as you go up the ladder.  For me, it would never be worth it when I consider how much I have enjoyed the DI's.  

That's right--never heard a good speaker.  My reference is live music--not so sure I need to a good audio show and "work my way up to $250-500k speakers".

Love it when terms like "blow away" are used.  Totally worthless and unqualified.

Value is a relative term.  A $250k speaker would never have value in my world.  But if you want to blow the bucks be my guest.

I think audioaudition needs to read more carefully before he speaks. I said value is relative i.e, it’s different for EVERYBODY. I have no problem with people who value 250K speakers. Please forgive my post. I know I am not worthy of members like you. I will try to remain silent Mr. Putin, as you request.