Stereophile Class A tables

Quickly looked in recommended components and saw 2 Brinkmann tables listed in class A the Balanced and Bardo. Is the Balanced worth over 3 times the cost vs. the Bardo given the fact they are both class A?

Showing 1 response by zavato

I've heard some class A items, and have had mixed feelings. Some have been wonderful and other were just expensive. What I don't understand is if A is supposed to be the best without any practical consideration why should their be such a wide variance between the sonic character between different A items. To me Stereophile A means a pricey item at least one writer thought was quite good. Witness a $350,000 amp that was listed as an A several years back despite some problems

Trust your ears, or at least find a reviewer who you find has similar tastes and sensibilities to yours.