Stereo Times review on the Tekton Design Encore Monitor

Hey GON members,

My review of the Tekton Design Monitor just was posted on the Stereo Times website. I made the Encore Monitor my 2024 budget speaker of the year. In the review I get into the details about the Encore's performance, which is superlative for a $3000 a pair of speakers, that retains the special quality of kick and aliveness in the Tekton Design house sound, but then adds a new sense of refinement in vivid tonality/timbres and overall musicality. Dare I say, a touch of the classic Sonus Faber charm back in the day when Franco Serblin still owned the company. Hope you enjoy the review and find it helpful in informing you about the Encore Monitor's performance. 



I was serious about the editor thing. Don’t you reviewers have someone who reads your articles for content and grammar before they are published? is another publication that doesn’t hold the bar very high when it comes to punctuation and grammar. Just an observation, nothing more than that.

You take this much to too seriously!  Fixed.

To be quite frank, in my opinion, many of the print magazine reviewers use some of the stupidest analogies , metaphors and abstruse/esoteric language in their reviews. Irony, I imagine

I'm just a Hoi polloi having fun writing reviews that can inform music lovers to good pieces of gear for their systems. That's it exactly mon frere. You can have fun posting your thoughts without calling yourself a reviewer. Do you lack total self-awareness that your view is not any more elevated than those of say, 5,000 others on this Board? You are not INFORMING, you are CONVEYING. Please look up these two words and think about it. 

Hey fsonicsmith,

You take this way to seriously. Remember I'm not a Harvard graduate. Therefore, I will not be able to distinguish between informing and conveying because of my lack of acumen regarding the use of language.

Relax and have great weekend. 


We are in times when it is critical to find commonality and goodwill in others. I understand you are a fine person and I will try my best to show you a bit more respect. I should have simply ignored the entire thread rather than publish my own criticism. 

May I offer you my unsolicited advice (as I am about to do)?

As with art, music, and food critics, establish your wealth of experience and knowledge base first. This is admittedly not easy to do but it can and has been done by countless others. It is about credibility. It is rather mandatory if you wish to be considered a reviewer. 

With audio equipment it is essential to provide context with comparisons to contrasting or similar products, preferably both. Herb Reichert does this in a rather unique way with amplifiers, for example, by using the same four or five of his favorite loudspeakers. 

Every audio product, particularly loudspeakers, involve compromises. There is virtually no piece of equipment known to mankind that is perfect or suitable for every situation, regardless of price. Describe the compromises. 

If you are dyslexic, not a native English speaker, or have other difficulties with the art of writing, get assistance. If nothing else, use AI to assist with your writing though I would consider that a very last resort. 

Hey fsonicsmith,

I appreciate your opening paragraph, which I believe is an "olive branch" towards me. I accept it, thank you.

I don’t expect that you are supposed to know my history of reviewing. If you did, along with reading my reviews, you would see many of your concerns/criticisms (unsolicited advice) are unfounded. I have reviewed for three reputable websites, hometheaterreview/SixMoons/Stereo Times, over the last 12 years and have over 150 published reviews.

I have many different front ends composed of both solid state and tube based gear and at least 4 to 6 speakers I use to evaluate the piece of gear in for review. My systems gear and what are the dimensions of my acoustic space is often mentioned in my reviews. I do share the virtues and short comings of gear I review. However, there are pieces of gear that I find so unsatisfactory that it is send back to the manufacturer and I do not write a review. I also dislike long drawn out reviews were the reviewer tells you what they had for breakfast, the weather outside, their emotional state of mind, etc. My reviews are short succinct perspectives on the performance of the piece of gear in for reviewing.

Thanks for your unsolicited advice. I still find it amazing that you would be so motivated to write a critique of me and my writing. I’ll assume you are trying to be helpful vs. haute towards me. Question for you? Since you take this hobby so seriously and have some very strong guidelines for writing the "right type" of reviews, why don’t you become a professional reviewer and have some fun!

It's kinda sad that my intentions only were to give information on a great affordable pair of speakers to Gon members and some how this thread was turned into a critique of my grammar and writing style instead.