We are in times when it is critical to find commonality and goodwill in others. I understand you are a fine person and I will try my best to show you a bit more respect. I should have simply ignored the entire thread rather than publish my own criticism.
May I offer you my unsolicited advice (as I am about to do)?
As with art, music, and food critics, establish your wealth of experience and knowledge base first. This is admittedly not easy to do but it can and has been done by countless others. It is about credibility. It is rather mandatory if you wish to be considered a reviewer.
With audio equipment it is essential to provide context with comparisons to contrasting or similar products, preferably both. Herb Reichert does this in a rather unique way with amplifiers, for example, by using the same four or five of his favorite loudspeakers.
Every audio product, particularly loudspeakers, involve compromises. There is virtually no piece of equipment known to mankind that is perfect or suitable for every situation, regardless of price. Describe the compromises.
If you are dyslexic, not a native English speaker, or have other difficulties with the art of writing, get assistance. If nothing else, use AI to assist with your writing though I would consider that a very last resort.