Stereo Times review on the Tekton Design Encore Monitor

Hey GON members,

My review of the Tekton Design Monitor just was posted on the Stereo Times website. I made the Encore Monitor my 2024 budget speaker of the year. In the review I get into the details about the Encore's performance, which is superlative for a $3000 a pair of speakers, that retains the special quality of kick and aliveness in the Tekton Design house sound, but then adds a new sense of refinement in vivid tonality/timbres and overall musicality. Dare I say, a touch of the classic Sonus Faber charm back in the day when Franco Serblin still owned the company. Hope you enjoy the review and find it helpful in informing you about the Encore Monitor's performance. 


I think Terry is a good guy. He just needs a better editor. Or an editor at all, perhaps?

Please step back and think about the concept of being a reviewer. The reason for the word "reviewer" rather than "tester" or "researcher" is that subjectivity is involved. Food is a good example of subjective taste (pun intended). If looking for a good restaurant in NYC that matches the occasion, your mood and budget you could rely back in the day on Ruth Reichl or Mimi Sheraton of the NYT or you could read the opinion of some unknown burgeoning reviewer writing for free in some tiny local paper. Ruth or Mimi (and dozens of others). reached their height at the NYT due to BOTH a wealth of experience and having earned the trust of their readers that when they gave a good review, it was very likely worthy. The unknown burgeoning writer is bound to be a hit-and-miss proposition. A discerning reader can detect the shallowness of the review based on the writing; the sophistication of the writing style, linguistics, word-usage, grammar, syntax, references, comparisons, descriptors, etc. 

And then overlaid on top of the above came the internet and webzines. The true democratization of the ability to publish one's opinions. Suddenly instead of a handful of relatively unknown pundits there became hundreds like dandelions in an untreated lawn. Anyone and everyone who wished to put down to writing their thoughts and don the hat of "reviewer" could do so. Of the dozens and dozens of English based webzines I know of no other, in MY subjective opinion, has less credibility due to lack of standards than the one for which the OP writes. 

And then we come to the subject of the review. Nothing more need be said, I hope.

FW(Little)IW, my current favorite audio publications are both printed and web-only, Stereophile and Part Time Audio. Sure, Stereophile is no longer in its heyday with the likes of Larry Archibald, Tom Gillett (aka Sam Tellig) and Art Dudley among others. But Jim Austin is doing a great job at the helm. I know nothing of reviewers at PTA but I admire their penchant for searching out the meritorious products that others don't review or overlook. 

I am not a Tekton hater. I simply refuse to swallow a shovel-full of unconditional perspective-less pablum written by an author that would never pass muster at a publication with strict standards. A publication that is the equivalent of Phoenix University when compared to Harvard. 

Hey Ozzie,

I appreciate that you think I'm a "good guy". I agree that punctuation and correct grammar contribute to the quality of a review. However, they are not my top priorities, these are:

1) I clearly state what my personal taste is when I'm listening/reviewing a piece of gear. If your taste and what you are looking for match mine, it can help inform the reader come to the conclusion that it might be what they are looking for.

2) Use concrete descriptors and attributes that help the reader get a good grasp on the sonic characteristics of the piece being reviewed. To be quite frank, in my opinion, many of the print magazine reviewers use some of the stupidest analogies , metaphors and abstruse/esoteric language in their reviews. Don't know if this is trying show off their literary brilliance, as if there going for a Nobel Prize in literature , or they just have to fill-up so many pages to fatten the review.

Thank you to the individuals that posted that my reviews have been helpful to them and that I honestly try to help GON members get better gear for their systems.

Finally, to address Fsonicsmith statements. With merriment I totally disagree with the sophisticated put-down of me and my writing. I'm just a Hoi polloi having fun writing reviews that can inform music lovers to good pieces of gear for their systems. You take this much to seriously!    


I was serious about the editor thing. Don’t you reviewers have someone who reads your articles for content and grammar before they are published? is another publication that doesn’t hold the bar very high when it comes to punctuation and grammar. Just an observation, nothing more than that.

You take this much to too seriously!  Fixed.

To be quite frank, in my opinion, many of the print magazine reviewers use some of the stupidest analogies , metaphors and abstruse/esoteric language in their reviews. Irony, I imagine

I'm just a Hoi polloi having fun writing reviews that can inform music lovers to good pieces of gear for their systems. That's it exactly mon frere. You can have fun posting your thoughts without calling yourself a reviewer. Do you lack total self-awareness that your view is not any more elevated than those of say, 5,000 others on this Board? You are not INFORMING, you are CONVEYING. Please look up these two words and think about it.