Stereo Times review on the Tekton Design Encore Monitor

Hey GON members,

My review of the Tekton Design Monitor just was posted on the Stereo Times website. I made the Encore Monitor my 2024 budget speaker of the year. In the review I get into the details about the Encore's performance, which is superlative for a $3000 a pair of speakers, that retains the special quality of kick and aliveness in the Tekton Design house sound, but then adds a new sense of refinement in vivid tonality/timbres and overall musicality. Dare I say, a touch of the classic Sonus Faber charm back in the day when Franco Serblin still owned the company. Hope you enjoy the review and find it helpful in informing you about the Encore Monitor's performance. 


Showing 1 response by vthokie83


I appreciate your point of view, but with Teajay I believe it is misguided. He (Terry) has posted some excellent reviews in the past, and let Agoners know in advance. I appreciate that he has reviewed some excellent gear, much of which is affordable for a great many.

In particular he has been absolutely spot on for a few products that I know very well or own: Aric Audio Motherlode II (XL version which adds XLR Connections) and several other Aric Audio products, CODA S5.5 SS amplifier which is a stunning amplifier (I own this too), Philharmonic BMR speaker (I don't own), LTA Aero DAC (I do not own)