Stereo Times Review of the Apogee Acoustics Diva

Hi folks, I found this excellent review of the Apogee Diva by Christiaan Punter for Stereotimes. Christian compares new and refurbed Duettas & also provides pics of the crossovers as well as setup advice. Highly recommended if you're an Apogee fan!

Showing 1 response by unsound

As popular as the Apogee's were and are, I never warmed up to any of them. My original dealer carried them and set up all the speakers they carried very well, with regard to room, placement and associated gear. I've heard them at various shows. IME, they always sounded dark, rolled off at the top, too heavy on the bottom, with a disturbing lumpy frequency response. The models with conventional drivers didn't seem to mesh. They have been/are extremely popular, so perhaps it's just me. YMMV.