Hey everybody,

Thought you might be interested in taking a look at the Stereo Times 2024 list of MOST WANTED COMPONENTS which was posted today. It contains both very reasonably priced and some uber-priced pieces of equipment.

Hope you enjoy, Teajay (Terry London)


Showing 3 responses by mclinnguy


But, the fuse is so crazy expensive ($5,000), there is no way to even try it out in other gear or even in the repaired linestage for fear of it actually working as it is supposed to work. It makes no sense to have a situation where you are saying something like "thank goodness my power transformer blew up in time to spare the fuse."

They are trying to save $1000-2000 worth of repair by using a $5000 fuse? Yeah that makes no sense. At that point why not just remove the whole fuse holder and directly wire it with no fuse or fuse holder? Or are people going to say having a GSA fuse in a steel fuse holder sounds better than no fuse/fuse holder at all?


I am one of those who appreciate you being here and sharing information. Please keep doing it and ignore the small percentage who tend to dominate some of the forums with their negativity.

Sometimes I imagine if someday those with all the good information, reviews, and experiences I truly wish to read about ceased to post because of all the negativity, banter and insults, what would be left in forums? Would all the trolls continue to troll themselves with no real content to troll about? Or would they be overcome with guilt and remorse because they suddenly would not know what to do? 

Oh, and you spelled teajay wrong.

An example of the opposite is Jason Kennedy, editor or The Ear. His grammatical errors are so widespread and egregious that I simply cannot read anything by him any longer.

Sure as $h!t the guy who posts about how he can’t stand grammatical errors makes a mistake.